h1. What I Learned in October

h2. 2015 October 09

I drove manual in Friday afternoon traffic from Oakland back home! O_O

Also learning how to fly a drone. K bought it for me, hooray!!!!! :D

I think what I might do with this blog is use it to summarize what I’ve learned, and then link to it on my actual blog.

Lately, I’ve had the opportunity to play around with a raspberry pi. I’m looking forward to doing projects with it.

h2. 2015 October 10

Trying to learn RabbitMQ and did RabbitMQ tutorial 1. A few key takeaways:

  1. RabbitMQ is a message broker: it will receive, figure out where to send, and deliver messages.
  2. The producer (sender) sends messages to a queue (mailbox) and the consumer (receiver) gets the messages from the queue.
  3. Producer, queue, and consumer can be on different machines.
  4. The receiver subscribes to a callback which is invoked when the message is received.

Looking forward to more!

h2. 2015 October 13

“ConEmu”:https://conemu.github.io/… where have you been all my life?!!! Now “coding in Windows”:http://carisef.blogspot.com/2015/10/coding-in-windows.html won’t be so soul crushing.