h1. What I Learned in January

h2. 2013 Jan 8

“How to install Sencha Touch 2 and start a new app”:http://iamcarise.wordpress.com/2013/01/08/sencha-touch-2/

h2. 2013 Jan 9

Using find with regexes, e.g.

@find . -regex “.*.jsp.?” -regextype posix-extended@

Abstract class vs. interfaces - abstract class and implementing class strong relationship, e.g. “Dog” is-a “Animal” - abstract class is good for inheritance (e.g. adding new methods doesn’t require all implementing classes to implement the new methods) - interface is good for when class won’t change often - want something like multiple inheritance, then use an interface

Determining a type of object in javascript (ECMAScript standard):


h2. 2013 Jan 10

A high level view of MongoDB

h2. 2013 Jan 11

“Vista recovery disc”:http://www.heidoc.net/joomla/technology-science/microsoft/57-windows-vista-direct-download-links

h2. 2013 Jan 14

I can use Vatha Kuzhambu podi in place of sambar powder. :)

h2. 2013 Jan 15

“Design everything you do” – Stella Lai (“Making the Transition from Development to Design”, P.J. Onori)

Vim: 1) Use @{@ and @}@ to move between paragraphs; use @{d}@ to delete it 2) Use “@m@”(marker name) to set marker boundaries, then @[command][marker name]@ to cut/copy that text. E.g. do @ma@ and @mz@, then @ya@ to copy. I can also do this with @d`a@ to cut.

h2. 2013 Jan 16

“@volatile@ in Java”:http://jeremymanson.blogspot.fr/2008/11/what-volatile-means-in-java.html

The @volatile@ modifier will ensure communication between two threads, so that if one thread writes to a volatile variable, the second thread that reads it already knows what’s going on with that particular volatile variable.

“more on @volatile@”:http://jpbempel.blogspot.com/2012/10/volatile.html


h2. 2013 Jan 17

For later reading:

“Backbone.js views (Ian Storm Taylor)”:http://ianstormtaylor.com/rendering-views-in-backbonejs-isnt-always-simple/ “Views (Addy Osmani)”:http://addyosmani.github.com/backbone-fundamentals/#views-1

“Backbone.js examples (Addy Osmani)”:http://addyosmani.github.com/backbone-fundamentals/#exercise-2-book-library—your-first-restful-backbone.js-app

Set up a github page using Jekyll: “By Mojombo”:https://github.com/mojombo/jekyll/wiki/usage

h2. 2013 Jan 18

@git push origin master@

Also, basic textile markup

h2. 2013 Jan 21

I was getting the following error in resin pro 3.0.24 when trying to transfer a document (saved as a blob in Oracle 11.2g):

@java.io.CharConversionException: illegal utf8 encoding at 0xe3@ @at com.caucho.vfs.i18n.UTF8Reader.read(UTF8Reader.java:110)@ @at com.caucho.server.connection.ToCharResponseStream.write(ToCharResponseStream.java:301)@ @at com.caucho.server.connection.ServletOutputStreamImpl.write(ServletOutputStreamImpl.java:68)@ @…@

Solution: I have to set my environment variable for NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF8.


h2. 2013 Jan 23

Vim non-greedy matching: Instead of @.*@ use @.{-}@

h2. 2013 Jan 29

Use @javap@ to disassemble Java classes into bytecode:

@javap -verbose -c -private HelloWorld@

@-c@ shows bytecode display @-private@ shows all members (even private methods) @-verbose@ shows more stuff, like the constant pool